One Calm Voice Podcast
One Calm Voice Podcast
One Calm Voice To Detox your Mind (Part 1) Ep 52
Join Catherine this week for her first episode of 2021. In this week's episode Catherine offers a way to effectively begin to detox your mind in the way you would your body after the overindulgences of the holiday season. In this episode Catherine outlines how our thoughts are the foundation of the life we lead as our thoughts determine our words which determine our actions which in turn creates our life as we know it. So according to Catherine it only stands to reason that we should really be deliberate in the choosing which thoughts we allow pass across the threshold of our minds and which thoughts we do not allow access to our inner most sanctum. In this episode she also introduces a short practice to begin to allow the body to find stillness for without a still body its almost impossible to have a still mind. Have a little listen in if you have any desire to dip your toe in the sea of contentment.